Plant Gender in the Quran

 This knowledge about plant gender and reproduction is just one example of the intricate and complex systems in nature that Allah has created. It is a reminder of His power and wisdom, and the importance of taking care of the environment and the natural world around us. 

Plants have male and female reproductive organs giving them a masculine and feminine identity in the Quran chapter 20 verse 53 Allah says and God has sent down water from the sky with it we have produced diverse pairs of plants in the verse the word "Azqwaj" means "pairs" and the plural form "Zawj" which means spouse. Scientists have confirmed this understanding of plant reproduction it has been discovered that there are male and female reproductive cells in flowering and seed plants which are produced by the male and female organs the female organs include an ovary with small and round seed ovules that contain female reproduction cells while the male organs produce pollen grains that contain male reproduction cells pollen grains are carried by winds or animals and reach the ovules of the ovaries through a tube when the male and female reproduction cells unite seeds are formed botanists were only able to discover the difference of gender implants 100 years ago.


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