Oceans in the Quran


The Quran contains many references to the ocean, which is not surprising given that it covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface. In chapter 24, verse 40, the Quran describes the state of the unbelievers as being like the darkness in a deep sea, which is covered by waves above which are waves, above which are clouds - darknesses one above another. This verse paints a vivid picture of the deep sea, where there is complete darkness below a depth of 1000 meters. This darkness is caused by the absence of light, and it is impossible for a person to see anything if they stretch out their hand.

Recent scientific discoveries have revealed the existence of internal waves in the ocean, which are referenced in the Quran as "waves upon waves". These waves form on the density interfaces between layers of water with different densities, and they can be seen from space. The existence of these waves is just one example of how the Quran has described the ocean in a way that is scientifically accurate, despite the fact that this knowledge was not available at the time of its revelation.

The ocean is a vast and mysterious place, and it is clear that the Quran contains many miracles related to this incredible natural wonder. From the waves that cover its surface to the darkness that lies beneath its depths, the Quran provides us with a glimpse into the majesty and complexity of the ocean, and reminds us of the power and wisdom of Allah.


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