Amazing Quranic Miracle!


The Quran is a divine revelation, and it's full of miracles that have amazed people for centuries. One of these miracles is the mathematical pattern found in the arrangement of its chapters. The sequence of the chapters in the Quran has long been a topic of interest, and it has fascinated many scholars and researchers over the years.

A young Turkish engineering student at Istanbul Technical University was intrigued by this topic, and he decided to investigate further. He plotted the chapter number on the x-axis and the number of verses in each chapter on the y-axis, and the result surprised him. It resembled the word Allah, which means God in Arabic.

The original scatter plot may not look like anything, but upon connecting the outer plots, you can see the name of Allah appear. This mathematical pattern is not a coincidence, but rather a divine miracle that highlights the unity and perfection of the Quran. It shows how the Quran's structure is a reflection of its divine origin and the wisdom of its author.

This is just one of the many mathematical miracles found in the Quran. These miracles are a testament to the Quran's authenticity and have been a source of inspiration and wonder for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. They serve as a reminder that the Quran is not just a book of guidance, but a miraculous revelation from Allah that is meant to guide humanity for all times.


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